Quick starts
Add health checks to your sample application
You just created a sample application. Now, let’s add health checks to it.
Prerequisites (5)
Deploying an application with a pipeline
Import an application from Git, add a pipeline to it, and run the Pipeline.
Exploring Serverless applications
Learn how to create a Serverless application.
Get started with Node
Import a Node Application from git, build, and deploy it onto OpenShift.
Get started with Spring
Import a Spring Application from git, build, and deploy it onto OpenShift.
Getting Started with {product-long}
Learn how to create and set up your first Apache Kafka instance in {product-long}.
Prerequisites (2)
Getting started with a sample
Is this the first time you’ve used OpenShift? Let's start with a simple sample app to learn the basics.
Getting started with quick starts
This description appears on the card in the quick starts catalog.
Prerequisites (3)
Getting Started with Red Hat OpenShift Service Registry
Learn how to create and set up your first Service Registry instance in Red Hat OpenShift Service Registry.
Prerequisites (2)
Installing the Pipelines Operator
Install the OpenShift® Pipelines Operator to build Pipelines using Tekton.
Links to external resource
This card links to an external resource
Monitoring your sample application
Now that you’ve created a sample application and added health checks, let’s monitor your application.
Prerequisites (1)
Note/Tip card, 3 alert variants and prerequisites example quickstart
Preview newly added features: Alert, note, and prerequisite sections rendered using Patternfly React Components.
Prerequisites (3)
Setting up Serverless
Install the OpenShift Serverless Operator to deploy stateless, event-trigger-based applications.
Using Kafka Bin Scripts with bf2
Learn how to use Kafka Bin Scripts to interact with a bf2 Kafka instance.